Sunday, 24 June 2012

Gardening new ideas

I have been busy away from the blog, but not idle; if you recall I made reference to working in our garden well it has dominated a lot of my time. The beauty  is that now we are seeing all the fresh fruits and veg grow. The strawberries and radishes were first and now we are starting to see a large crop of Kale……I think Lily and I might be the only ones happy about that.



Aside from the gardening I have been working on a few smaller projects, adding a little life to the mundane.




This piece was inspired after the work we did for ‘Books to Eat’ I really enjoyed playing with the paper and I just wanted to see what I could create. 

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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

New postcards

It has been a while since I sent out postcards via, so I decided to send out a few at the same time. These are going (in order of posted pictures) to Germany; Ohio, US; The Netherlands; China; and the Republic of Belarus. Hopefully they all reach their destinations in a timely manner and are enjoyed.


New postcards

New postcards

New postcards

New postcards

New postcards

Friday, 1 June 2012

Traveling books

Our sculpted book pieces have moved to a new library location! They are at the Westmount branch, on Wonderland Rd S in London, until July. Come take a look if you're in the area.


Traveling books

Traveling books

Traveling books